1st place team
3 person scramble
2nd place team
3 person scramble
3rd place team
3 person scramble
4th place team
3 person scramble
Closest to Pin
Reba W
Susan D
Lisa D'A
Bet Fitzgerald
Westdale ladies BRWIGA 3 lady scramble - play day was a huge success. The breakfast didn't disappoint. This year we had Jimmy Johns sandwich / unwhich - most everyone thought this was a good idea.
Golf - everyone had a good time. The scores we pretty close. Had a few scorecard play-offs to decide winners.
We were able to get golf, lunch & awards in before the rain set in.
Thanks to all the Westdale ladies - it was a team effort to pull this play day off. Thanks to the BREC staff (this wouldn't be a sucess without them).
Thanks again to all the participants as well. It was an awesome turnout.
Until next year "That's all folks"
3 lady scramble
1st Place- 69
Libby Smith- WLGA
Aaron Bourque- Pelican Point
Jill Jones- WLGA
2nd Place- 70 (scorecard play-off)
Debi O'Neill- WLGA
Ginger Covington - BenGals
Francine Boyd- The Island
3rd Place- 70 (scorecard play-off)
Janice Ehni - False River
Patsy Picard- The Island
Barbara Watts - BenGals
4th Place- 72 (scorecard play-off)
Lillian Loupe - False River
Susan Dixon - WLGA
Martha Collins - WLGA
5th Place- 72 (scorecard play-off)
April Prestenbach - WLGA
Dodie Ramirez -BenGals
Celeste Harris - WLGA
Closet to Pin- Special Awards
Not pictured- AMy Tipton
Brenda Mayer
Lillian Loupe
BRWIGA Team Scramble 2022
BRWIGA team scramble was hosted by "The Island Ladies " at The Island golf course.
Thanks to Patsy Picard, Karla Neal, Chinkie Cointment, Francine Boyd, Shirley Bickham.
Chris Burkstaller -Golf instructor at The Island Golf Course
Course was challenging due to sanded greens. Working diligently to make a comeback from 18 months of .....
1st Gross (66)
(Scorecard play-off)
Susan Dixon
Suzanne Seefield
Brenda Mayer
Donna Ashmore
2nd Gross (66)
Pelican Point
(Scorecard play-off)
Maria Fairchild
Jennifer Hautman
Aaron Bourque
Madelyn King
1st Net (53.1)
Ginger Covington
Mary Ordoyne
Barbara Watts
Reba Wheeler
Congratulations Ladies !!!
2nd Net (53.2)
Georgia Ramirez
Dodie Ramirez
Marvis Cadwallader
Peggy Berniard
Individual Players
GiGi Force - 1st Gross
Nancy Kora - 1st Net
2022 Season Kick-off
False River Play Day (Rain Didn't deter play)
Thanks to everyone who turned out. It was a beautiful day for golf and fellowship. Janice and (Tom) and the False River ladies put on a fun golf event. THEY never disappoint. Glad we were able to get the event off in spite of some Weather !!!!
Until next event.
1st Gross (69)
D Ashmore, T Price, C Cointment, S Bickham
1st Net (56.88)
P Picard, M Collins, B Mayer, N Knapp
2nd Net (58.3)
C Harris, M Fairchild, S Anderson, N Kora (not pictured)
Closest to Pin:
Janice Ehni, Jackie Dennis, Patsy Picard, Celeste Harris
Pelican Point BRWIGA PLay day
We tried - the Pelican Point play day was kicked off and hoping the Wx would hold off. No such luck !
Well we got rained out. Shucks !
They decided to just draw teams for prizes. Luck of the draw determined the winners.
Only one person - was able to get closest to pin on one of the holes.
We dried out, had lunch and awards, then the sun came out. It previously was a gully washer and we were already Carts on Path.
Pelican Point golf club did give everyone a reduced priced rain check. We will be back. thanks
1st Place
Thelma Price, Reba Wheeler, Chris Crow
2nd Place
GiGi Force, Karen Snell, Debra Smith
3rd Place
Donna Ashmore, Shanon Carter, Chinkie Cointment
4th Place
Gail Ray, Maria Fairchild, Shirley Bickham
Closest to Pin
Maria Fairchild
WLGA play day 2021
Thanks to all of the WLGA ladies for hosting a great BRWIGA play day. Third time was the "charm". The breakfast didn't disappoint as usual. It was a team effort and a very successful one.
Special thanks to BREC -Webb Memorial staff and donation of balls for special events.
It turned out to be a great day of fun and golf.
Drusilla Seafood restaurant - Nick, waiter, was hustling to ensure we got our food and drinks promptly.
Special Event: Closest to pin :
Donna Ashmore WLGA and Barbara Watts BenGals
Martha Collins (WLGA) Not pictured
1st Place(69)
Ginger Covington (BenGals), April Prestenbach (WLGA), Rose Bergerren (WLGA) not pic
2nd Place(70) scorecard play off
Tina Griffin (WLGA), Reba Wheeler (BenGals), Martha Collins (WLGA) not pic
3rd Place(70) scorecard play off
Carolyn Lacey (WLGA), Aaron Bourque (Pelican Point), Nancy Kora (WLGA)
4th Place(71) scorecard play off
Peggy Simon (WLGA), Donna Ashmore (WLGA), Denise Brown (The Island)
Team Scramble 2021
BRWIGA Team Scramble held at Greystone Hosted by BenGals !
Pre-game instructions..
Thanks to the BenGals for hosting the BRWIGA Team Scramble 2021.
Everyone had an awesome time. Greystone golf course was in great shape and challenging holes played !
Many thanks to Greystone for their support towards Ladies Golf.
Congratulations to all the winners.
Thank you for your continued commitment towards Interclub play days.
Top Left - False River & The Island, Bottom Left -BenGals, Center - Westdale, Right - Pelican Point
Team Scramble 2021
Team results
1st Gross (63) Pelican Point
Madelyn King, Jennifer Hautman,
Maria Fairchild, Aaron Bourque
Gracie Purvis, Mary Ordoyne, Kathi Gill, Peggy Berniard
1st Net (57) BenGals
2nd Gross (65) Westdale
Tina Chin-Griffin, Donna Ashmore, Susan Dixon, Michelle R-Remo
2nd Net (58) False River
Janice Ehni, Cheryl Neu, Lillian Loupe, Debbie Smith
Yes - False River !!!! Congratulations Ladies.....
Closest to the Pin:
April Prestenbach, Jan Doss-Owen, Ginger Covington, Gracie Purvis
(April and Gracie need picture taking lessons !!! LOL )
Individual Awards,
1st Gross - Jackie Dennis
not pictured
1st Net - Thelma Price
In Loving Memory of Regina Walker !! 2021
Reba is taking this card, flowers and check for $50 & $607.
The money donated by BRWIGA ladies and another donor, beautiful plant was donated by Ginger Covington and will be brought to Regina's Daughter.
Thanks for the outpouring of love in the donations. I'm sure a well deserved student will use this money to make Regina proud.